Happy Holidays!
Here's a few, very simple, free tools that will help make your
dashboarding work just a little easier. Click on the images to
go to the respective sites for download.
1 Tableau Data Reshaper Add-In
Reshapes your table data, UnPivots, fills in values and opens your data in Tableau.
2 XL Tools
This is a great little add-in that has data cleansing and cell combining features.

3 Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Economic Data (FRED) Add-In
Very handy for up-to-date US data and some International data.
4 ColorPic
See a color you like - grab it with this tool and enter the RGB values in your custom colors or add the HEX to your Preference file.

Very valuable advice and handy map color palettes.

Great for creating color palettes and then 'export to text' allows you to quickly copy/paste the HEX values to your Preference file.

7 Images
1,000 basic black and white images. Actually only 200, but in 5 sizes, which is great as you then don't have to worry about image distortion.

These aren't typical data visualization images, but they make for some nice headers or images for StoryPoints.

9 NotePad++
The best.

This odd little tool will provide you with lat/lon coordinates for addresses. Very handy if you don't have a ton of addresses. I have used it on a batch of 200 and it did just fine.